For Part 1, click here; for Part 2, click here; Part 3, click here, Part 4 here

Only… he dared not deny Shara’s unspoken words and warning he received when she connected with him. He had to do this right, otherwise all of Earth could be destroyed, and not only by him. True, he had to bring these people done to their knees, but he could not destroy them. Their destruction would not be up to him.
His daughter and wife remained safe in the spaceship. He hadn’t seen Catherin while he was in the ship, but he knew, as he knew everything else, that she was fine. It didn’t matter to him whether he was in danger while he fulfilled Earth’s destiny. That was the least important thing to him.
Stan continued raising his golden-hued arms all the way, silencing the stilled crowd even more. It seemed even the birds and bugs in the air shushed their sounds and the winds stopped their gentle blowing through the trees.
When he spoke, energy waves emitted from his mind that touched everyone with the ability to perceive his images in their minds. They would hear each of Stan's words and a few would understand. They would learn the truth that has been denied them since the beginning of the industrial age. They would see the bludgeoning of the world, of life, and of the universe as the Form he saw on the ship had seen it from the very beginning. They would get all of this information from Stan. But it would be up to each individual to believe, to accept it, and to change their ways before their actions caused the very death of all the universe.
Only, it would take much more than words and cerebral imagery for them to act. It would take a greater force, a force that had never occurred to Stan to use… even though he never had the power before now. Nonetheless, he began to speak his words:
“We have all come from a power greater than ourselves, greater than all of us put together. Yet, we have lived our lives as if we are the only thing important in it. We are not only ignorant, we are dangerous to everything good. Our power has been used more for destruction than creation. We have taken more than given, we have torn down more than built up. We continue to destroy our bodies, our minds, families, land, the Earth, and the universe. It is time for that to stop. And it stops now. The power that made you has said it’s time. It is time to give up our destructive ways and create something new. You will have to give up the ugly inside of you and gain the beauty that is. You must do so, because that Force will not let you be otherwise any longer. Your choice is to change or die.”
As Stan spoke, he felt some hearts begin to melt with the conviction spawned from intense guilt. But not enough hearts. Not nearly enough. Indeed words would not be enough to save the world.
Return next week for Part 6!