Her eyes aren’t golden. They are dark brown, like mine, nearly black. And why is she looking down at me?
Stan tried to look around to see where he was, but he was frozen still. Behind Shara’s grown face was a wavering algae-green light, although he could not see the ceiling. Shara spoke, and he returned his gaze to her, bemused.
“Daddy…” she said in her normal, nine-year-old voice, belying her face which conveyed great maturity. She took his hand in hers, engulfing his as hers was twice the size of his. “Daddy,” she said again, but like before, she said nothing else.
“Where’s your mother?” Stan didn't know if his voice would work, but found that he sounded like himself.
This can’t be my daughter! “What’s going on here?” he yelled, wanting desperately to look around and find someone or some thing to blame for this. “Where’s your mother? Talk to me, Shara!”
Just as she said “Daddy” again, Shara’s hand fused into his. It looked as if her enormous hand had been transplanted onto his wrist. As large as it was, he could feel her hand as it disappeared within his arm and move up to his biceps and shoulders, up his neck and through the roof of his mouth, until it touched his cerebrum. As soon as it touched, his eyes were opened and he could see… everything!
Stan saw the beginning – his, Catherin’s, Shara’s and everyone’s; he saw the end – Earth’s end that extended to beyond the end of the universe; and he saw the present – his wife as part of himself and his daughter, as they all were a part of each other. All life was connected to all other life, one life a part of all life, which all extended from one form.
Stan tried to gaze at that form, but his eyes, his heart, his mind, and everything and everyone connected to him, that is all life, froze in a blinding emptiness. He forced his eyes away. Questions swarmed his mind and tears flowed down his face.
This time, when Shara said “Daddy,” Stan understood and all questions ceased. Shara’s hand separated from Stan. She turned away, sifting – there is no other way to explain it. She sifted away! – into the green light.
Right afterward, Stan felt the pull of the electric cord inside of him, saw himself transform into that oscillating light, through the vacuous nothingness, and return back to Earth.
Everybody in the valley stared at Stan as he reformed into flesh right before their eyes. He felt to be standing taller than anyone else.
He gazed slowly at the silent crowd. It was time for him to change everything. It was time to bring Earth down to its knees!
* Please note that each week's writing is written last minute, with little editing. Mistakes are changed as they are discovered (like how Stan's wife's name suddenly changed in Part 2!). I welcome comments on any errors you notice, including with the grammar, as well as compliments!