Nancy LaRonda Johnson
Bio & Contact

Nancy LaRonda Johnson has written short stories, poetry and personal journals most of her life. She received her first writing award in elementary school for a psychological thriller short story. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a law degree.
A retired probation officer and now a part-time case manager, she strives during her off-hours to write interesting characters who make it through trying times. What thrills her most is writing books and stories that give eye-opening takes on controversial topics.
Her first book, the literary Christian speculative novel Anticipation of the Penitent, about a serial killer and his mother, reached the finals in the San Francisco Writer’s Conference Indie Publishing Contest, and was a Readers' Favorite Novel Contest winner. Salted With Fire, a book of short stories and poetry, is her second publication, and Something Told ~ Spoken Stories, is her latest. To find out about her current projects, click on the tab, Nancy's Works in Progress.
A retired probation officer and now a part-time case manager, she strives during her off-hours to write interesting characters who make it through trying times. What thrills her most is writing books and stories that give eye-opening takes on controversial topics.
Her first book, the literary Christian speculative novel Anticipation of the Penitent, about a serial killer and his mother, reached the finals in the San Francisco Writer’s Conference Indie Publishing Contest, and was a Readers' Favorite Novel Contest winner. Salted With Fire, a book of short stories and poetry, is her second publication, and Something Told ~ Spoken Stories, is her latest. To find out about her current projects, click on the tab, Nancy's Works in Progress.
What is Christian speculative fiction?
Christian speculative is a growing genre, which has its roots from books like The Exorcist and the works of Frank Peretti. It is science fiction, fantasy or horror written with a Christian angle.
Nancy's first novel, Anticipating of the Penitent, has its focus in horror or spiritual warfare and is more in line with Ted Dekker’s The Priest’s Graveyard or William P. Young’s The Shack. It has Christian theology as a guiding factor in the plot, although those who aren't religious have greatly enjoyed it. Check out Nancy's Books to learn more.
In Nancy's words:
I'm a woman of few and many words, a pseudo-insomniac who loves to sleep in, whose favorite word in the English vocabulary is "vacation," and whose favorite thing to consider is what God is telling me right now, and this is my spot: a place to make connections, to let my "drive to write" be known, to share some of my most controversial beliefs, and to maybe pick up a few fans.
And no, I usually don't write such long, run-on sentences like the one above. Want proof? Go to my serial short story under the tabs "more" and "Nancy's Blog".

Other ways to stay in contact:
Or email at: nlarondajohnson-author[at]yahoo[dot]com
© 2020 by Nancy LaRonda Johnson.
All rights reserved. All writing on this website, including the blog, is copyright protected and can't be copied or shared without permission or reference to the owner, Nancy LaRonda Johnson, and her website.